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Home contains us and is within us

Angyvir Padilla's artistic practice spans a variety of disciplines and media, including sculpture, performance, photography, video and sound. These expressions can stand alone or fuse freely, in search of new vocabulary to emerge. Inspired by the experience of displacement, Padilla's works go beyond mere objects; they are narratives in constant motion, crossing the boundaries between past and present, imagined and real, ephemeral and tangible. The notion of "home" recurs in her installations - a space both familiar and uncanny, impossible to capture in a single image or phrase.

Central to Padilla's work is a persistent desire to inhabit what may no longer exist. This longing for familiarity, or perhaps domesticity, imbued with an inherent inability to achieve it, serves as an impetus for experimentation. Interested in physical manifestations of the past, Padilla works along raw qualities of materials, while challenging the non-linear properties of time, or even the gravity of the Earth; collaborations, quiet and intimate, often based on friendship and family bonds, counteract the physical distance and solitary nature of the artistic journey. The result is an immersive, bodily experience that leaves the viewer suspended in a sense of dissonance and bewilderment between what is seen, touched, heard, and remembered.

Photo credits: Courtesy of Kunstverein-Friedrichshafen, Lola Pertsowsky, Silvia Cappellari, Courtesy of the artist (Angyvir Padilla)

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