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Scirocco, let the wind carry you home

Anna Adamo

“There are no windows, the Scirocco can't find you there, because the Scirocco drives you crazy, you'll have a shock if it finds you.

It is a beast that loosens the knees and when it approaches there is that silence that things have in balance right before collapsing: a building on fire, before falling; a forest, before the storm; the earth, before an earthquake. 

If that wind gets into your head you see mirages, you're a "shock" they say, but it passes. But if it gets into your heart, you're screwed: it burns you from inside and dries you up, like it does to orange trees. 

Nothing is more serious than the Scirocco in my land.

In the Scirocco room all that remains is to deal with what you have and what you don't have.

There is nothing more."

"He arrives"


“The Scirocco”

"How do you know it?"

"The sea. Do you feel it?”


"Precisely. When the sea slows down and breathes slowly, the cicadas go crazy with fear and call it back to do its duty. He arrives"


“I told you, you idiot. The Scirocco”

“And what do we do?”

"Like the sea. Breathe slowly. Place your cheek on the floor: wait and listen."

Taken from “Figlio dello scirocco” (Son of Scirocco) by Alessandro d’Avenia

The wind is the symbol of the connections between places, history and people, I feel the need to continue to let myself be guided by this element that inevitably unites North Africa to our territory, through its journey.

I would like to continue mapping these places and following the wind, giving them a shape and an identity.

I started traveling often in Sicily since I met my ex-boyfriend, who he is from Palermo, I started taking confidence with this land which lives in a constant state of conflict due to the absence of politics and corruption rooted in every sector.

Sicily is a rough diamond,  it is a land that always leaves a bittersweet taste in your mouth, characterized by strong contrasts.

I have always let myself be guided by casual encounters and for me the unexpected is the best opportunity to get to know myself and others, for the first time, I have left my comfort zone, which is seeking a dimension of intimacy with people , trying to establish it also with places, I don't know if it's right or wrong, but in this case I would like to let the wind decide for me.

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