The International Festival of Fashion, Photography and Fashion Accessories in Hyères has developed since it opened its emerging photography competition some 20 years ago, a deep knowledge of the international photography scene. Each year, the photography shortlist is awaited by the professionals of both photography industry and luxury industry as a very high standard and valuable shortlist made amongst the most innovative and groundbreaking artists, with an international scope.
With a great attention to the European scene, the Hyères Festival has been for instance a main place to display Dutch photography and promote its extraordinary vitality, same applies for English or Swiss scenes. This interest for the scenes of other countries joins the main goals of FUTURES and makes it a natural and obvious development for the festival.
Hence, when it came to build a shortlist for the platform, the curator highlighted the fact that the 10 artists would benefit from the platform and that it would make total sense to keep the very first network constituted by the 10, highlighting the strength and coherence of this shortlist as a group.
Each of the 10 photographers shortlisted has been chosen amongst a set of 730 entries according to criteria of innovation, coherence of content and stylistic approach, commitment towards the subject or theme chosen. They give a subjective - of course- yet very representative photograph of what is at stake in today’s emerging photography scene. This is with great expectations and desire to make it effective that we approach this international community created by Futures.