
Sara Meinz
Sara Meinz is a Spanish photographer and art director based between Berlin and Galicia.
With a mindful approach she seeks stillness and hidden messages in ordinary life, often exploring society, human-made landscape and nature.
Cave is a photo series that reflects on the feelings experienced during isolation: from the constant need to escape to the change of personal beliefs. The induced pause of lockdown has, for many, implied not only the reconsideration of one's way of living but also speculating on what the future holds.
Portfolio: Sara Meinz
Photography increases my curiosity and inspires me to seek hidden messages and contradictions in my surroundings. Over the last years, I've been shooting different things but I've been most inclined to capture the beauty in the ordinary and snapshots of humanity, from how we shape the landscape to how we interact.
Within this project, we have been selecting every year a number of 5 artists to represent what we believed to be interesting and worthy in photography at that moment. This year, we have decided upon new names from different countries: Dirk Hardy, John Robokos, Pascual Rosales, Sara Meinz, and Younes Mohammad. Their work has been carefully analysed and selected during an online portfolio review judged by international curators, to represent Photo Romania in Futures 2021.
Dirk Hardy is a photographer that shows a strong understanding of how to develop and present projects. Although a young artist, he understands how to build a
project and to visually present it to the audience. We particularly liked his Void project, which has been featured several times in international events, including an exhibition in Romania.
John Robokos is a Greek artist specialised in instant street photography. We chose his work because he attempts and succeeds in capturing beauty in dark and
depressing urban landscapes.
Pascual Rosales is a Spanish photographer focused on using visual storytelling about the stories that each of us can carry inside. His project Salt eats stone is a story about the people and the places consumed by time, where salt is the substitute for the passage of time.
Sara Meinz is another Spanish photographer whose work strives for documentary and portraiture. Through her work, she seeks the hidden messages of ordinary life, often exploring society, the human-made landscape, and nature’s resilience.
Younes Mohammad is a Kurdish freelance photographer working and telling the stories of the people that live in his country. Younes hopes that, through this work of exploring conflict and post-conflict humanitarian issues, the world may better understand what these people and their families have given for the Kurdish people, the region, and, in fact, for the world.