UNFOLDING FUTURES - Collective installation and public event

Join us on Saturday August 31st for the collective open studio celebrating the conclusion of the summer residency UNFOLDING FUTURES.
During two months, four emerging photographers have been in residency at FUTURES Hub, exploring contemporary photographic formats and installation displays. Their studios have become a generative space for experimentation and research during their creative processes.
In this final event, the four photographers will share a collective installation at the studio space, including additional works activating the building of FUTURES Photography Hub. The event will include a presentation talk in which we will reflect together with the public on their experiences during the residency, the importance of the creative process and the experimentation with the photographic medium.
It will be accompanied by a display of publications and photobooks by the participating artists including the works of other photographers recently graduated from diverse art academies and universities in the Netherlands.
The collective event of UNFOLDING FUTURES is also willing to bring together emerging photographers from diverse backgrounds, providing a meeting platform for creative exchange.
UNFOLDING FUTURES - Collective Installation and Public Event
Date: August 31st, 2024
18:00 Welcoming
18:30 - 21:00 Collective installation and public event
Location: FUTURES Hub, Isaac Titsinghkade 6, 1018 LL Amsterdam