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Arne Piepke

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Image from Arne's ongoing project 'Anecdotes from an unfamiliar land'
Arne Piepke (1991) is a documentary photographer who grew up in a small village in Germany.

He deals with social issues and the people‘s connection to history and their surroundings. With his photo-essays he wants to raise questions that follow the viewer and contribute to an examination of the topics and thus to a better mutual understanding.

He was awarded for PDN Student Contest, World Report Award, PDN Emerging Photographer and was nominated for the W. Eugene Smith Student Grant. In 2019 he was selected for the screenings at Visa Pour l’Image. His work was featured in Neue Zürcher Zeitung, FAZ Woche, Tortoise Media and others.

He is a founding member of DOCKS, a collective of five documentary photographers who act upon shared humanistic values.